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Recent Construction Developments in Charleston, and the Importance of Safety on Site



One in five deaths among U.S. workers is in the construction industry, according to However, many may not realize the sheer danger involved with working such a job. From exciting construction projects taking place right here in Charleston, South Carolina, to the nationwide statistics of the dangers of the job, here’s what you should know.
Recent construction developments in Charleston, SC
Construction developments regularly bring new and exciting businesses to an area, and Charleston is no exception, especially with construction picking back up after the pandemic. With plans to bring two full-scale hotels to the Charleston peninsula, including the Cooper Hotel, as well as a 175 room hotel that will replace The Alley. However, these aren’t the only recent projects in Charleston, as “The Charles” (waterfront new-construction townhomes located in historic Charleston) is set to open in spring of 2023. Allowing homeowners to be a short distance from anywhere on the peninsula, the 19 four-story townhomes feature luxury design and benefits such as private rooftop terraces. However, as beneficial as such developments can be to the area, the risks associated with working in the construction industry beg that safety be an integral part to ensuring a successful and safe working environment that will later lead to amazing structures for the community to enjoy afterwards.
The shocking reality
While many may not think much about just how dangerous working in construction can be, it’s important to remember that there have been accidents right in Charleston, South Carolina. In 2015, for instance, construction worker Ignacio Barriga-Herrara passed away due to blunt force trauma, after working at the base of a crane with other crew members when a piece of equipment fell on him. Unfortunately, construction fatalities comprise around a shocking 20% of all work deaths, according to the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA), with most accidents falling into four main categories — falling, electrocution, being struck by objects/ being caught between equipment, and collapsing structures/materials. However, the danger doesn’t end there.
While construction crew, managers, and others involved with the project are responsible for following safety guidelines and protocol, it’s important to remember that accidents do happen, and that construction crew aren’t the only ones who are in potential danger. While construction signs help, the safety of pedestrians and even motorists can be at risk in some situations, which can result in severe injury or even death — not to mention the potential for long lasting mental health issues. For those who do experience such an incident, hiring a construction site accident lawyer may be necessary in order to get the compensation and justice that the victim deserves.
With a number of new developments occurring in Charleston, it’s important to keep in mind that the construction industry doesn’t come without risks, especially when it comes to workers, and even motorists or pedestrians. For such reasons, it’s imperative that all safety guidelines and protocols are followed, and that pedestrians do their part in taking notice of the appropriate signs.
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