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2021 Spark! Awards Tickets On Sale; Winners to be Awarded at September 23 Event



Editor’s Note – Holy City Sinner is a sponsor of this year’s Spark! Awards

Tickets are on sale now for the 2021 Spark! Awards, hosted at Harborside East on Thursday, September 23rd from 5:30 to 7 pm. The annual Spark! Awards, curated by the Charleston American Marketing Association, is the premier marketing event of the Lowcountry that honors creative and marketing excellence in the Charleston community.

This year’s event theme is “Prom, A Starry Night” in Charleston. The celebration will feature live music by Seth G., giveaway raffle items, heavy hors d’oeuvres, delicious desserts, and an open bar with beer, wine and signature cocktails. Enjoy throwback prom tunes and starry night views at the beautiful, waterfront venue at Harborside East. Attendees are encouraged to trade in their athleisure and arrive photo ready in their prom or cocktail attire, because there will be a Best Dressed award of the night.

During the event, finalists and their project or campaign work will be showcased across 20 categories in content marketing, branding, website design, social media, logo design, collateral, photography and video, and much more. Winners in each category will be awarded, and winners of The Giving Award, Marketer of the Year, and Chapter Volunteer of the Year will be announced. View finalists here.

“This year’s finalists represent the best and the brightest marketers in the Charleston area,” said Stephanie Barrow, current president of the Charleston AMA Chapter. “In addition to finalists, local creatives have used the art of authentic storytelling to help the world stay connected during a global pandemic. Now more than ever, this is the time to celebrate and honor our resilient marketing community at the Spark! Awards.”

Finalists and winners were judged by AMA Tahoe. Charleston AMA is thankful for this year’s sponsors, including Nelson Printing, Squeeze Marketing, Fox Audio Visual, Larry Monteith Photography, Seth G., Holy City Sinner and Chris Hervochon CPA CVA.

Visit for more information and to purchase tickets to the awards event.

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