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What Authors Should Be Aware of Regarding Book Cover Design



The writings of an author must pique the interest of prospective readers and consumers. Finding readers is more difficult for debut authors. Whether you are new or established, a well-designed book cover can make or break your book’s success. As a result, the cover design must be eye-catching and memorable.

Readers desire both novelty and familiar images that remind them of other books they love. This means that the book must be both different and similar to others in its genre. 

When designing a book cover, an author should consult closely with a professional graphic artist. It is essential to remember that the book’s cover should give the reader some idea of what’s within. For this reason, the author must be involved in creating the cover. This article will look at how to get your book cover to convey the story to the reader before they even open the first page.

Things You Should Know

Here are a few things you should know about book cover design to capture the audience.


Many other visuals can be used to illustrate your point: photographs, illustrations, geometric forms, or even simply an eye-catching palette. Whatever images you choose to use, make sure they reflect the tone of your novel.

A design-friendly manner of using your images is something you should keep in mind. You want a well-balanced layout and a picture that does not overpower the typeface. Having too much imagery in the right-hand corner of a book cover and not enough in the other three corners is not a good look.

Suppose you are a self-publisher, and all these seem a bit of a hassle to you. In that case, you can contact a professional service like Palmetto Publishing. They will handle all aspects from cover design, illustrations, publishing, printing, and even marketing. Now let us jump to the next part: typography.


Your book’s title, subtitle, and author’s name should all be included in the typography on the cover. Use text hierarchy to draw the reader’s eye to the most crucial parts of the text. You can place your title at the top or bottom of your cover, but it should be above your name so that it is the first thing readers see.

Because most people will only see it as a thumbnail if you are releasing an eBook, you will want to pay special attention to the design of your cover. Your book’s cover must have a single, distinctive visual element that conveys the tale it tells. Your book’s exposure might be increased by more than half with the correct book cover design.

Now let us give you a broader approach you should be implementing.

Give a Tease

Consider “The Three Bears Principle” when deciding how much information your cover should reveal: not too much, not too little, but just right. At the very least, the front and back covers of your book should provide a basic idea of what your book is about.

Your cover design must not give away any key narrative points or spoilers. If you give prospective readers a sneak peek, you are helping them decide whether or not your narrative is one they want to spend their time on.

Indicate Genre

It is essential that the cover of your book correctly identifies the genre of the work.

Even while a wide range of novels is appreciated by many, the majority of readers have a clear preference for one or two subgenres. Your book will not be purchased if someone picks it up thinking it is going to be a thriller, only to discover that it is a collection of horror stories. An audience looking for hilarious articles will also pass over your book if it is presented in a disorienting black-and-white cityscape with flashing neon writing.

Introduce Your Protagonist

Readers must be able to identify with your protagonist, regardless of whether they are irritatingly flawless or tragically flawed, a model citizen or the epitome of an anti-hero. Let us imagine that you can form a bond with your protagonist before they have even started reading. Then you are already ahead of the curve.

You can begin to establish a relationship with your readers by designing the cover of your book. Using your cover to begin developing a bond between your main character and your reader, whether overt or subtle, can help you attract the kind of audience that will want to hear your protagonist’s narrative.

Convey the Mood

There is a dominating tone to every book, no matter its genre. Whatever the genre of your work might be, your readers will be on the edge of their seats and chewing their nails in suspense. You want to make sure that the primary tone of the book is reflected on the cover, even if the book has various experiences.

Make an Eye-catching Design

It is not a guessing game when designing a book cover. If you want to design an eye-catching book cover, you must adhere to a set of strict standards and requirements. Your book cover design should follow the same guidelines if you want it to attract your target reader.

Fonts suitable for the genre and simple to read should be used. For example, your title should be highlighted on your cover by using text hierarchy. Make your text stand out from the rest of the page by contrasting it with the backdrop color. Invoke your readers’ emotions by using color psychology.

Make it Unique

Having a unique visual design can help your book jump off the shelves and into the hands of your readers. In addition to drawing in your readers, this might assist you in establishing your author brand. It will be simpler for your readers and the general public to identify your work if you include your visual style in all of your book covers.


A book’s ability to entice new readers and consumers depends on the effectiveness of its cover design. The idea, colors, fonts, and simplicity of design are all important considerations for an independent author. The design should adjust for online book sales to look great at lower sizes.

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