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Dine Where You Live Mount Pleasant Kicks Off on January 15th



The Mount Pleasant Chamber of Commerce (MPCC) and the Town of Mount Pleasant have joined forces to encourage residents to support local restaurants and other food and beverage establishments. The campaign begins on January 15th and will continue through the end of February.

Every week, the Chamber will give away a $50 gift card for a Mount Pleasant restaurant to one lucky diner who posts a photo of his or her dining experience at a participating Mount Pleasant establishment on Instagram or Facebook and follows the instructions on how to enter.

To enter:

  1. Simply post a photo of your dining experience at a participating establishment on Instagram or Facebook.

  2. Tag @mtpchamber, @experiencemp and the participating location.

  3. Include the hashtag #DineWhereYouLive

“We are thrilled to be partnering with the Mount Pleasant Chamber of Commerce on the #DineWhereYouLive campaign,” said Mayor Will Haynie. “Our restaurants have worked hard throughout the past two years to stay open and to continue serving our great community. We are proud to encourage continued patronage of these businesses and to spotlight them for the many benefits they bring to our town.”

MPCC President Michael Cochran said:

“The hospitality industry has been hard hit over the last two years in our community. It is imperative that we continue supporting our local dining establishments through our patronage. The MPCC, and the Town of Mount Pleasant have partnered in another creative initiative to offer support and assistance to our eateries. The Dine Where You Live campaign will dove-tail with the Shop Where You Live program, and offer our restaurant community further support, and promotion that will aid them in their recovery, and business growth. I wholeheartedly support these efforts, and look forward to more creative enterprise, and partnership that will foster a positive impact in our community.”

For more information and a list of participating food and beverage establishments, visit the MPCC Facebook page and Instagram pages.

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