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Stella Gaskins



By: Kelly Gaskins

Stella Gaskins, a beautiful black and tan dachshund, passed peacefully alongside her mom of nearly six years on Monday, January 24.  Born in 2012 , Stella was adopted by her mom, Kelly Gaskins on March 11, 2016 and quickly became her best friend. 

Stella was a member of the Dachshunds of Charleston and was active in the community, from strutting her stuff annually in local Christmas parades to running in the weiner dog race (second place champ!).

She also enjoyed running with her mom on timed 5ks around the Lowcountry.

Stella took seriously her job to protect and serve. She never let a doorbell ring without sounding her very vocal alarm , she never let a palmetto bug infiltrate the perimeter and she restricted the squirrels to a designated tree along with evicting various rodents , ground moles and bunnies from the backyard. She also helped around the house by sucking up at record speed any crumbs or pieces of food dropped on the floor.

Proving not all heroes wear capes, Stella is credited with sniffing out an abandoned baby squirrel once as well as a turtle stuck between a fence. While she would have preferred to make them both a snack her mom talked her out of it and both animals were rescued. Further, at only seventeen pounds Stella was an accomplished herd dog, having the ability to swiftly corral any rogue cow back to the safety of their pasture at her grandparent’s property.

In her spare time, Stella loved chasing tennis balls and ripping them apart. She also never tired of destroying her toys – she found great pleasure in chewing them open and proudly biting out the squeaker. She loved car rides, and insisted on sitting in the driver’s seat with the window rolled down and wind against her face. She also thoroughly enjoyed partaking in “drive by barking” – startling unsuspecting people and dogs while bike riding with her mom.

She is survived by her mom, sister Bella Cat, grandparents Cindy and Norman Gaskins, aunts Brandy Gaskins and Nikki Campbell and a handful of furry cousins and plush toys sans squeakers.

Stella will be greatly missed by many but none more so than her mom. Through thick and thin, she loved her with all her heart, and though the pain she feels without her is immense, it in no way would compare to having never had Stella in her life.

In lieu of flowers, Stella’s mom is requesting that you eat the dessert, ride with the window down, share the bacon and make room on the bed. Most important, remember that grief is a small price to pay for the wonderful gift that pets provide: the priceless treasure of unconditional love.

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