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Here’s Why You Need to File a Lawsuit for Defective Medical Devices



We all rely on our medical experts to keep us healthy and tend to our injuries. And without medical technology or those who provide these vital services, mortality rates around the world would climb tremendously.

But despite the valuable services that medical professionals provide, we’re often subjected to a margin of error that can sometimes be harmful or fatal. And this is exceedingly evident in some of the life-saving devices that are produced by medical device manufacturers.

Our technology has grown considerably since the days when for centuries physicians used leeches to cure patients of fever and a large number of other illnesses. But our advancement has not come without the rise of complications. In fact, a number of medical devices have been recalled due to the harm they may cause their users.

Filing a lawsuit for compensation if you’ve suffered illness or injury from a faulty medical device is something you may want to think over. And here, we’ll explore why you should consider this process.

Financial Reimbursement

Life is expensive enough without the worry over medical emergencies. And as you’re probably aware, any medical emergency can be extremely costly.

In addition to the costs of medical emergencies, prescribed medical devices that your doctor may have recommended often don’t come with a cheap price tag either. In fact, a basic CPAP device used for those who suffer from sleep apnea can cost anywhere between 500 to 1000 dollars. And if one of these devices is faulty, you stand to lose a lot of money.

In the age where prioritizing debt is fundamental for financial health, dealing with costly medical expenses plus devices that cost thousands of dollars can drain your bank account quickly. And this is one of the main reasons why you should consider filing a lawsuit if you’ve been injured or suffered illness due to a faulty medical device.

You’ve Suffered Illness or Injury

Just as important as recovering from financial trouble, if you’ve suffered because of the use of a faulty medical device, you should be compensated for your troubles.

As mentioned, those who suffer from sleep apnea often rely on CPAP machines in order to keep their airways functioning properly during sleep. However, some of these machines have been found to be faulty and those prescribed to use them have suffered life-threatening illnesses and injuries.

For example, a few injuries and illnesses from the use of defective CPAP machines are as follows:

  • Lung cancer
  • Stomach cancer
  • Bladder cancer
  • Meningitis
  • Bloating
  • Nasal irritation
  • Lung inflammation
  • Persistent headaches
  • Skin irritation

No patient wants to suffer further complications due to the devices they were prescribed to treat their conditions. And if you or someone you know has suffered even greater due to the use of a defective medical device, you should seek compensation.

When seeking compensation, it’s also good to note that seeking the assistance of a competent personal injury attorney such as those at Rosenfeld Injury Lawyers will be your best strategy for filing your claim and getting the compensation that you deserve.

Upholding Product Liability

When you go out to buy a brand new iPhone, you don’t expect that iPhone to assault you in the middle of the night when you’re asleep. And even though our smartphones are a bit invasive as it is, the point is that it’s one thing when a product doesn’t work like it’s supposed to, but it’s another thing entirely when it causes you harm.

Across the country, there are product liability laws in place that hold manufacturers of products accountable when they fail to perform as they should, and for when they cause harm to their users.

If a product is defective and you were injured as a result, you have the right to seek compensation for your injuries. Additionally, you also have the responsibility of holding the manufacturers to a specific standard. And others who may have used the same product should also be made aware when a product functions poorly and results in illness or injury to its user.

By filing a lawsuit, you’re not only able to seek fair compensation for your injuries and suffering, in doing so, you also alert the public to the seriousness of these injuries due to the defective device.

Human beings may be capable of achieving amazing feats and inventing life-saving devices and the like. But when a device doesn’t work properly and causes you harm, you have the right to be compensated for your injuries. If you or anyone you know has been harmed by a defective medical device, considering filing a lawsuit for your troubles will be warranted. 

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