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Ways in Which Artificial Intelligence will Change the World



Artificial intelligence is one of the most trending topics in technology. If you’re immersed in pop culture, chances are the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear artificial intelligence is a robot. While it is true that the idea of robots as propagated in movies is a bit over the top, the technology behind them is in use.

Artificial intelligence or AI is commonly used to automate processes, just like a human would. AI already impacts your life every day, even if you don’t know it. For instance, if you’re on a news website and get recommended sports news that you click on, that’s AI at work. AI is used in several systems like Netflix to recommend movies and TV shows.

If you’ve ever experienced thinking of an item and the ad for that item comes up in that instant, that’s artificial intelligence.

This article will explore the key reasons why AI will change our world.

How Artificial Intelligence will Revolutionize Our Lives

Here are some ways in which AI will change our lives:

  • Robots Performing Routine Activities

The concept of robots is not new in the tech space. Nevertheless, artificial intelligence revolutionizes the idea of robots with better abilities. For instance, in China, some restaurants utilize robots as waiters in place of humans.

These restaurants get to save money on salaries by making a one-time investment. Also, the food services to customers are quicker and more accurate.

Seniors and older people in general usually need help in performing tasks. Hiring a house help can get quite expensive. There’s also the chance of the house help not being available 24/7. Robots can attend to older adults at all times and even go past that by observing their food intake and health level.

The adoption of artificial intelligence, just like the internet, will lead to lower costs and a better all-around experience for households.

  • Improving Healthcare

Healthcare has grown in expenses over the years because there’s so much pressure on doctors and nurses to perform. In essence, since healthcare professionals work so hard, they tend to provide inaccurate results in some cases.

Machine learning is a sector of artificial intelligence that will allow quick analysis of health data to provide a diagnosis. This subset of AI can arguably perform better than doctors since they take variables into account that doctors could have missed.

  • Expediting Daily Tasks

AI can help speed up everyday tasks such as online shopping or switching off electric gadgets. Some of them are already in use. For example, when you visit an online shop on your web browser and the page unexpectedly closes down, the items you were checking out get saved.

If you check the spam section of your email, you’ll spot spam messages being automatically sent there. When driving, AI can predict the routes with the shortest times to get to your destination. AI also allows for natural language, as seen in virtual assistants like Siri and Alexa.

  • Solving Crime

AI can help solve crime and fraud issues even before they happen. For instance, scammers find it more difficult to perform credit card fraud since AI utilizes fraud analysis techniques.

Scammers typically try to buy up as many items as they can in a short period before the credit card owners can discover the charge. This purchasing history anomaly will trigger an automatic block on the account.


Artificial intelligence is one of the most talked-about topics in technology today. The discussion around AI mainly revolves around the fact that it can revolutionize our everyday lives. Robots can use AI to perform routine activities and daily tasks, improve healthcare and solve crimes.

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