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7 Skills You Must Develop Before You Write Your College Admissions Essay



The college admissions essay is a beast and needs to be slain with skill, finesse, and preparation. The essay is the first impression you have on an admissions officer. Hence, you must use this opportunity to your advantage. What is the best way to do that? Start planning early by developing these seven skills:

Brainstorm (With a Clear Mind)

Brainstorming is a process of generating ideas and solutions. It’s a skill you can learn but takes time and practice to master. Brainstorming is not just for writers. It’s an effective way to think about problems, whether trying to solve them on your own or with others.

Brainstorming is also essential to come up with solutions for any problem. This ranges from solving household problems like where to hang the new coat rack or who should do the dishes after dinner (hint: it’s not me) to some pretty big issues like global warming and government corruption (yikes).

When brainstorming, try not to get stuck on perfectionism or nitpicking every detail in your writing. Instead, focus on generating as many possible ideas before moving on to other steps in writing or problem-solving processes. You can expect this skill when opting to write an essay for me service.


Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of another person. It is a crucial skill for writing your college admissions essay. This is because it helps you put yourself in your reader’s shoes—and that’s precisely what you want to do when writing something as personal as an essay about yourself.

One way to practice empathy is by reading about other people’s experiences, whether it’s accounts from expert writers at or moving stories from people around the world. Another way is by looking at situations from different perspectives.

If you’re having trouble understanding why someone did something wrong or hurtful, try imagining what it would be like if they directed those actions at you instead of someone else.

You can also use empathy when critiquing other students’ essays. Instead of criticizing their ideas or grammar mistakes directly (which might make them feel defensive), check out their underlying message. Moreover, see whether there are ways that you could improve without offending anyone involved.

Read, Read, and Then Read Some More.

You must read, read, and then read some more. You must understand the prompt. You must know what the admissions committee is looking for in your essay. You must know the tone and style of that essay. You need to have a clear idea of your audience, format, and word count limit before you start writing to stay on topic and within the rules.

These guidelines will help ensure that your college application essay is unique enough to stand out but not so different as to be rejected outright by admissions officers who are experts at reading papers like yours.

This article, The Best Essay Writing Services | Top Companies Offering Assignment Help – India Education | Latest Education News | Global Educational News | Recent Educational News, talks about hiring experts to write your essay.

Write Well

Another crucial step to writing well is to ensure your writing is clear and concise. You will want to use active verbs and simple, straightforward language. You also want to ensure that your grammar is correct and that you use proper punctuation in the right places.

You should also vary the sentence structure you use throughout your essay. This is from short sentences like “I played baseball as a child” to long sentences like “Playing baseball as a child was one of my favorite activities, but it wasn’t until later that I realized how much I enjoyed it.”

Additionally, don’t forget about paragraphs. Different types of paragraphs can help break up the monotony of long passages while showing off your creativity and ability to tell stories through words (more on this later).

Rewrite Well

Rewrite your essay after you have completed the first draft. Rewriting is the process of going through and making changes to your paper. This includes rereading and editing each sentence, paragraph, or even page to make sure they flow smoothly with one another.

It also involves taking out unnecessary words or phrases that do not add to the meaning of what you are trying to convey. For example, if you write “I am proud” instead of “I am very proud,” there is no need for both pieces of text; one will suffice just fine!

Finally, rewrite until you are satisfied with it (and feel free to rewrite again afterward!). You should take as much time as possible on this step because it will be worth it when your admissions officer reads something well-written about yourself.

Now that you’re armed with the skills you need to write a killer college admissions essay go forth and slay. The world is waiting for your brilliance.



Eric Ward – Working full-time as a Senior Marketing Manager for one of the biggest IT companies in the US, I also enjoy helping college students with their homework. Work with me if you need help with an essay, case study, or a term paper. I have an MBA degree and I’m fully committed to helping you with any pending Marketing or Management assignment.

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