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Ways To Boost Your Willpower for Addiction Recovery



If you or a loved one has received addiction treatment, such as alcohol treatment in Massachusetts, you know the difficulties that might arise.Knowing how to develop willpower will be highly beneficial in your path to overcoming addiction. People must recognize that addiction is a sickness that can be conquered with effort.

Addiction is caused by various causes, including mental health issues, early environment, heredity, and trauma. It is critical to understand the driving factor underlying addiction. It is the first step in the process of healing.

People should realize the importance of willpower in the fight against addiction. When you have willpower, you have a higher chance of living a life free of addiction.

 What Exactly Is Willpower? 

Let’s start with a definition of willpower before we go into strategies to create it. The following are some of the numerous definitions:

  • Control exerted to resist wrong desires or control exercised to force oneself to achieve something.

  • The capacity to control one’s behaviors, desires, and emotions.

  • The great desire to do a challenging endeavor.

  • The capacity to avoid temptations that provide rapid enjoyment.

Because the road to addiction recovery is not simple, willpower will give you the push to attend meetings even when you don’t see the point, apply what you learned in treatment, and stick to your recovery plan. While your recovery plan and treatment are the primary components that will lead you to a better life, your determination will keep you on track.

How to Boost Willpower 

The Marshmallow Test is viral willpower research. They claim that the more you exercise your willpower, the stronger it becomes. The researchers left a plate of marshmallows in front of a room full of preschoolers. Everyone in the room was told that the person in charge had to depart. If the youngster waits for the researcher, they will be given two marshmallows.

If the youngster wants the marshmallow immediately, they must ring a bell to summon the researcher, but they will only receive one marshmallow. Researchers kept track of all subjects throughout time. Those that waited for the researcher fared better than the others. They had higher SAT scores, lower BMI scores, and better coping skills for frustration and stress.

According to a drug rehab in Florida, there are things you can do to strengthen your resolve. Here are their examples:

 1. Work your willpower muscle. 

If you want to work on your willpower, start with modest actions that are generally unpleasant for you. Try brushing your teeth with your non-dominant hand, for example. You will be tempted to switch to your dominant hand, but do your hardest not to do so. You may build your willpower by practicing these exercises daily for a few minutes.

 2. Identify why you want to get sober. 

When you’re motivated to do something, you’ll go to any length to do it. Some situations will put your willpower to the test; therefore, you must understand your values and keep them in mind as you go about your daily life.

Determine the reason you want to get sober. If it is for yourself and your loved ones, constantly keep them in mind when you don’t feel like attending meetings or want to use the substance again.

 3. Make your home shiny. 

In this scenario, it would be best if you established an environment that encourages you to improve—a tidy house. When you have a clean place to live, declining offers to gatherings or circumstances that might put your sobriety to the test will be more straightforward. Studies have also demonstrated that keeping your home tidy in general might enhance your willpower.

The research placed some individuals in tidy houses and others in filthy ones. They were then asked to make food and charitable donation options. Participants who were in a well-organized atmosphere made better decisions. They ate healthier foods and were prepared to make monetary contributions.

When you get home to a clean house, you will have more willpower to exercise or make better choices for your health.

 4. Devise a schedule.  

Make decisions in advance to give your willpower a break. Plan your menu for the week and prepare your meals in advance. This can prevent you from getting excessive fast food stops on your way home from work. Choose whether you will consume alcohol and how much you will take before going to a party or restaurant. Don’t attempt to cram a workout into what’s left of your day. Instead, put it on your calendar at the start of each week or arrange to attend with a buddy, so you’re more likely to stick to your pledge.

Key Takeaway 

Although willpower might be weary in the near term, you can reinforce it over time, just like exercising your muscles. According to several psychologists, willpower is stronger when striving for your objectives. When you make a sacrifice for someone else, it puts extra strain on your willpower. However, don’t just concentrate on merely increasing your willpower. According to current concepts and research on willpower, it may be better to utilize motivational tactics rather than just focusing on how to strengthen willpower and withstand an urge. If you’re looking for a way to prevent relapse completely and develop willpower, make sure to contact a professional to provide you with the best treatment programs.


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