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The essential element of human development



The alphabet is a brilliant and actually ingenious invention of mankind. It is a form of writing based on a standard set of languages. Even before the invention of the alphabet, people used various symbols, pictures that they depicted on stones, in caves and rocks.

And so, after a while, humanity does not stand still and develops, they analyze their lives and try to eliminate inconveniences by all means, making existence more comfortable and practical. At one of these moments, an irreplaceable implementation was invented. We are talking about the alphabet. By the way, even today we cannot imagine life without the alphabet. Children learn it in elementary school or even earlier, because it is the basics, the foundation of education and development in general.

The alphabet is created through certain letters and sounds. Thus, individual signs, which are letters, denote the phonemes of the language. However, what is more interesting, the unambiguous correspondence of sound and letter is observed quite rarely and tends to be completely lost during the development of oral language and conversation.

The alphabet differs from pictographic writing, where all signs denote concepts. There are also differences between the alphabet and morphemic, logographic writing. These are the types of writing system in which certain signs denote individual morphemes or whole words. For example, such processes are in Chinese writing system.

The use of signs for individual phonemes leads to a significant simplification of writing as a result of a reduction in the number of signs used. Also, the order of letters in the alphabet is the basis of alphabetical sorting. The relative complexity of phonetic systems of different languages causes the presence of alphabets of unequal dimension.

Hardly anyone except specialists has seriously thought about how important writing system is for each individual on the one hand and for the entire human civilization on the other.

Indeed, the importance of writing in culture cannot be underestimated. So, modern people have come to a world that is impossible to imagine without mass media, and they would not have developed without writing.

By the way, each language has its own alphabet, and at the moment humanity really has many alphabets: English, Russian, Chinese, Spanish, German, Italian and others. English is considered to be an international language, it is studied in educational institutions, it is used at international conferences, negotiations are conducted on it, it is often installed by default in computer programs and information systems.

Most of the languages are an offshoot of the Latin language, therefore Latin is the undisputed leader in the fields of science and medicine.

And the distant ancestor of all these languages can be considered the Greek language and the Greek alphabet. So, symbol alpha is still used by ordinary people and scientists in various fields and sciences such as mathematics, physics and so on.

Celtic symbols are popular and rather mysterious. The Celts had many legends and myths that were passed down in different variations. They influenced the features of ornaments and symbols.

So, for example, a symbol with a sacred meaning is a Triquetra. He is known and popular to this day. Initially, the symbol hid the meaning of the daily movement of the sun across the sky. There is also an assumption that Triquetra may mean the phase of the moon. Moreover, the Triquetra is found among the Celts, Scandinavians, Frisians.

By the way, this symbol has now become a more complex and complicated figure. Sometimes it is called the intersection of three fish, and sometimes it is associated with a shamrock, adding a circle to the image.

Triquetra is really popular. The reason for the great popularity is probably the unconditional beauty and harmony of the symbol. It looks mysterious and even associates people with something secret and mystical.

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