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Does my dog need Heartgard and NexGard together?



As the weather gets warmer and we start spending more time outdoors, it’s important to remember to protect our dogs from fleas and ticks. Two of the most popular dog accessories on the market for this are Nexgard and Heartgard. Nexgard protects against fleas and ticks, while Heartgard protects against heartworm. But do you need to use both products? Or is a Nexgard & Heartgard combo right for your dog?

Can I Give My Dog Nexgard And Heartgard At The Same Time?

The answer depends on a few factors. If your dog is prone to flea allergies or you live in an area with many fleas, then using Nexgard and Heartgard together is a good idea. Nexgard will kill the fleas on your dog, while Heartgard will prevent heartworm.

If your dog isn’t prone to flea allergies and you don’t live in an area with a lot of fleas, then you may not need to use both products. Nexgard alone may be enough to protect your dog from fleas and ticks. Nexgard also protects against heartworm, so using Nexgard alone may be all your dog needs. The right thing will be to talk to your veterinarian about which product is right for your dog. 

Are NexGard And Heartgard The Same Thing? 

You’re probably asking if I can give my dog Nexgard and Heartgard together, then why are there two products? Nexgard and Heartgard are similar but not the same. Nexgard is a monthly oral flea and ticks preventative that also protects against heartworm. Nexgard is for dogs and puppies over 8 weeks old and 5 lbs. 

Heartgard is a monthly oral preventative for heartworm. However, it does not protect against fleas or ticks. Heartgard is for dogs and puppies over 6 weeks old. 

So, if you’re wondering if I can give my dog NexGard and Heartgard together, the answer is yes, you can. But you may not need to depend on your dog’s individual needs. Some combo products contain both NexGard and Heartgard, but these are not necessary. If you decide to use one of these combo products, make sure to follow the instructions carefully. NexGard and Heartgard should not be used together more often than once a month.

What About The Side Effects Of NexGard And Heartgard? 

NexGard and Heartgard are both safe for most dogs, but there are a few side effects to be aware of. NexGard can cause vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, and loss of appetite in some dogs. These side effects are usually mild and go away on their own. Talk to your veterinarian if your dog has any of these side effects. NexGard is also not for dogs with seizures or pregnant or nursing dogs. 

Heartgard can cause vomiting and diarrhea in some dogs. These side effects are usually mild and go away on their own. However, if your dog has any of these side effects, talk to your veterinarian. Heartgard is also not for pregnant or nursing dogs. 

However, the following are the most uncommon adverse events: mydriasis (dilation of the eyes), ataxia (loss of control over movements or limbs), staggering, seizures, and hypersalivation. According to some studies, some dog breeds, particularly herding types like Collies and Shepherds, are more prone to these side effects, especially to ivermectin in heartworm medications, due to a genetic defect. As always, your vet should be your first source of information regarding side effects and medications for your dog. 

What if My Dog Hasn’t Tried Either Medication?

If your dog has never tried Nexgard or Heartgard, you may wonder if it’s safe to give them both medications simultaneously. The answer is yes; it is safe to give Nexgard and Heartgard to your dog simultaneously. However, your vet may want to start with one medication and then add the other later on, depending on your dog’s individual needs. If you’re giving both Nexgard and Heartgard on the same day, pick one drug to give immediately and the other in 24 hours. 

 By observing your dog for 24 hours after they’ve taken Nexgard and Heartgard, you can help your vet determine if your dog has any reactions to the medications. If your dog does react to either medication, it’s essential to contact your vet immediately. 

However, if you’ve already used one or both of these drugs on your dog and found no severe adverse effects, you can give them both at the same time. Boehringer Ingelheim, the maker of both medications, claims there are no harmful interactions between Nexgard and Heartgard. 

Is it Necessary to Give Heartgard to My Dog If I Use Nexgard?

 By now, you may be wondering, do I really need to give my dog Nexgard and Heartgard if I live in an area with a low risk of heartworm? The answer is not necessarily. Nexgard will protect your dog from heartworm, so if you live in an area with a low risk of heartworm, Nexgard may be all your dog needs. However, if you use Nexgard and Heartgard at the same time, your dog will be protected from most types of parasites, including heartworm, fleas, and ticks. However, suppose your dog has an adverse response to one or both medications. In that case, you may switch them to a comparable medication that protects against the same diseases but does not cause side effects. Always talk with your veterinarian before switching medicines.

Final Thoughts

So there you have it! Nexgard and Heartgard are both safe for most dogs, and you can use both Nexgard and Heartgard together to protect your dog from heartworm, fleas, and ticks. As always, if you have any questions or concerns about Nexgard or Heartgard, talk to your veterinarian. They will be able to help you determine what’s best for your dog based on their individual needs.

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