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Man Receives Probation for Numerous Violent Crimes Against Women



Press Release

Solicitor Scarlett Wilson announced that on September 9, 2022, Casey Lee Combs pled guilty to Harassment 2nd degree, Domestic Violence 2nd degree, and Domestic Violence 1st Degree, all involving three  separate victims. Combs faced a minimum of 1 year and a maximum of 14 years in prison. The Honorable Bentley Price sentenced him to 14 years but suspended that sentence in its entirety, placing him on probation for 5 years. 

Assistant Solicitor Catherine Fries prosecuted the case against Combs. During the plea hearing, Fries argued for  6-10 years in prison for Combs, given the facts of the cases and his extensive history of violence against women.  Combs is currently on probation for two counts of Domestic Violence Protection Order Violation out of North  Carolina and was on probation when he committed these crimes in Charleston, SC. He has several previous  convictions including, 2 counts of Assault Resulting in Serious Bodily Injury in 2008, Assaulting a Female in  2015, Assaulting a Female in 2017, Communicating Threats in 2018, and 2 counts of Domestic Violence  Protection Order Violation in 2020. For several of these convictions he was put on probation, which Fries pointed  out during her argument.  

Fries recounted these three separate incidents involving the three victims, who were cooperative throughout the  entire process. All three victims were present in the courtroom during this emotional plea, and they echoed the  State’s request for active time. The first incident occurred on April 8, 2021. The victim filed a police report stating  that her ex-boyfriend, Combs, had been continuing to contact her after she blocked him and told him to leave her  alone. Combs called her 25 to 50 times a day and threatened her, despite officers citing Combs for Harassment. Combs visited the victim’s home, cursed at her, and spit on her. Combs was subsequently arrested and acknowledged to officers that he was not supposed to contact the victim. 

The second incident occurred on June 3, 2021, with another victim who previously dated Combs. She told officers  that Combs grabbed her hair, dragged her to the floor, punched her several times in the face, grabbed her phone,  and said she could “call the pigs when he left.” Combs then strangled the victim. Before leaving the residence, Combs spit on the victim and threw her phone at her. This victim suffered a swollen face and bruising to her body.  

Then on June 3, 2022, a third victim, who also previously dated Combs, stated that Combs followed her into her  home after she told him to leave. The victim told Combs she was going to call the police if he did not leave.  Combs then demanded the victim’s phone and followed her into her bedroom. Combs started punching the victim  in the face until she fell to the ground and then began kicking her. While in the fetal position, Combs stomped on the victim’s head and hands numerous times. He then strangled the victim with one hand and used the other to  smother her face. When Combs finally let go, he put his hand into the victim’s mouth to pull her up. Before leaving the room, Combs threw her phone at her and left. This victim suffered two swollen shut eyes, a nasal  fracture, a 1.5-inch tear to her ear, a laceration to her elbow that required 7 stitches, and bruising to her face, neck, forearm, and hands.  

Assistant Solicitor Fries said, “Although this is not the sentence we argued for, these three victims showed  resiliency and bravery throughout the entire process.” The Ninth Circuit Solicitor’s office is especially  appreciative of the victims of these crimes, as well as the officers with the Charleston City Police Department.

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