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Choosing the Best Wine for Your Guests



Wine is the modern elixir, the perfect addition to a party, and the secret weapon to a great party. Choosing the right wine for the right occasion may seem like a daunting task reserved for the sommeliers and the noblemen, but this could not be further from the truth. Selecting a great bordeaux wine or a sparkling rose for your party is as easy as nailing the basics and moving up from there. Great food and great wine go together, not one before the other. Let’s review some tips you can use next time you’re hosting.

Go Simple

At a party, most guests will, on average, have tried up to four wines before. You can keep it casual and pick one red wine and an alternative white. Great reds include Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlots, or Pinot Noirs. These are well-balanced and offer a fruitiness that is gentle on the pallet. Additionally, they pair excellently with party staples such as cheese, beef, and pork. White wines are also fan favorites; they include Chardonnays, Riesling, and Moscatos. White whine can be paired with seafood or chicken.

Know Your Guests

Picking a wine to have a party is influenced by the company you intend to host. You can spend a little extra if you’re dealing with a sophisticated bunch, but for the most part, you should avoid splurging hundreds of dollars on a single bottle. Right now, there are plenty of great wines from all over the world that you can get at modest prices. If your party has younger people, you can go the sparkling route; older people may have more refined tastes, so try to offer a variety of the classics like Cabernet.

Do Your Research

If you’ve never picked out wine, you can always check what other people like. Read reviews from online communities or subscribe to a magazine. Preparation is the golden piece to a great party; great wine can elevate your party to the next level. Check out what wine goes best with which meat and what are the notes in different types of wine, and you will always have a great party, even on short notice.

Which Flavors Do You Enjoy?

Wine is one of the most versatile drinks you can have. Various wines have various profiles, notes, and flavors that tantalize and immerse the taste buds. Think of your favorite drinks, fruits, or smells and note them down. If you prefer tangy fruits like sour grapes or green apples, you might like a sweet white like a Moscato. Chardonnay has buttery profiles, and Sauvignon Blanc may have hints of Vanilla. With this, you can deduce what your guests might like based on the foods they already enjoy.

What’s the Occasion?

Depending on the party you’re hosting, you can narrow your wine selection to fit the occasion. For instance, if you are hosting a casual, laidback party, you can have mixers, in which case you may opt for less subtle flavors. If you are hosting an event with food, you can have a couple of whites and reds to go with the meats or salads. Are you trying to impress? Go for a balanced selection, a little sweet, some sourness, and full body choices.


Wine is a unique beverage that has been a part of humanity for thousands of years. It is as versatile as it is complex and knowing your wines is one of the most rewarding skills. Learn about the world’s wines, from the hills of France to the vineyards in Italy, and impress every time you host.

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