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Marijuana – benefits and global acceptance



The word “cannabis” is like the word “dog” – it covers everything from a chihuahua to a wolfhound. And yet each variety contains its own unique blend of compounds. Some varieties suppress the appetite, while others stimulate the appetite. Some get you high, and some don’t. Many of them have incredible medicinal properties. Laboratory studies on animals have shown that the most familiar cannabidiol (CBD) and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) can do everything from increase bone density to shrink tumors, but scientists have barely touched the less common cannabinoids.

Medical marijuana and agricultural cannabis

Cannabis is a very surprising plant that shows its duplicity in every method of study. On the one hand, it is a useful agricultural crop, with a profit margin of 2.5 times that of wheat. On the other hand, online weed store Canada contains a mass of the same type of substances – cannabinoids, which have pronounced medicinal properties. It is thanks to the study of cannabinoids that medics have discovered a new regulatory system of the human body – the endocannabinoid system. It partially resembles the nervous, lymphatic, and endocrine systems, but at the same time, it is absolutely unique and extremely important for the healthy life activity of the body. For this system to function, the body produces endocannabinoids, such as anandamide. It participates in many of the body’s regulatory processes, such as sleep, appetite, pleasure, and thermoregulation, and even modulates the implantation time of the embryo to the uterine wall!

In other words, world science has proved and recognized the existence of the endocannabinoid system in the human body, but for some reason, there is no information about it even in such open sources as the Ukrainian segment of Wikipedia. But it is in this projection that the strict division of cannabis into agricultural cannabis and medical marijuana emerges.

However, even here cannabis has shown its duplicity! The fact is that cannabinoids are only found in the green plant matter, and are completely absent in the rest of the plant. That’s why anyone can buy cannabis seeds without restrictions, they are not prohibited by any legislation. After all, you can find out what grows from them only after the harvest. Or when you buy edibles online from a store of varietal cannabis seeds from proven Western manufacturers.

The medicinal properties of marijuana

In fact, 99% of all research by scientists focuses on two cannabis substances – tetrahydrocannabinol and cannabidiol. Together, they make up 96% of all cannabinoid substances in the plant. This is where the duplicity of cannabis begins to show itself. The fact is that these substances have the same chemical formula, C21H30O2, but a different structure. This is why they have very different effects on humans. THC has a pronounced psychogenic activity, and moderate therapeutic properties. CBD has no intoxicating effects whatsoever, but cannabidiol is a treasure trove of health benefits.

Cannabidiol is accepted almost everywhere in the world and can be distributed without any restrictions. Even in the land of the Rising Sun, Japan, where the drug policy is extremely strict, products with cannabidiol or pure CBD oil have long been allowed on the market. However, with one restriction – they must be completely free of THC. China and India, countries with strict vertical power and a population of billions, have officially allowed the sale of CBD products, but only if they are produced locally from locally grown raw materials.

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