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Most Popular Reccuring Film Themes



Where films are concerned, you could say that there is a set list of genres of categories they fit into. And, based on the success of movies in a genre, these themes are often revisted in an attempt to deliver what viewers want to watch. Therefore, there has been a reoccurrence of the said themes, with some more popular than others.

Casino & Gambling

Believe it or not, one of the current most popular recurring film themes around involves casinos and gambling. And with the growing popularity of global casino brands online, is there any wonder Hollywood has followed suit? What you get with movies that feature casinos in some way, shape or form and gambling is something quite unique in the sense that you’re almost guaranteed a rollercoaster of emotions.

You see, nobody wins all the time when they’re playing games at a casino, so there are highs and lows. And then, when you factor in a storyline alongside that in a movie, it makes these highs and lows even more prominent, especially in films that may explore the challenges that a punter can face if they develop a problem with gambling or because they’re gambling for a particular reason, for example.

Crime & Gangsters

Crime movies and those featuring gangsters, in particular, have always been incredibly popular. And one of the reasons why this is the case is that in films of this nature, crime often pays, and these crooks enjoy the high life and life of luxury that everyone aspires to have.

But, the viewer crucially knows that they’ve achieved these things via illicit means. Crime films and gangster movies are also packed full of action too, especially if the story entails a big job going down, such as a heist. It’s usually the case that viewers will be on the edge of their seats when watching stories from this genre play out while also dreaming of having the riches, the watches, the supercars and so on.

Good vs Evil

We finish with another recurring theme and one that has perhaps been most common out of the three mentioned. If there’s a battle that has played out repeatedly in movies for decades, it’s the one where good and evil come together to take each other on in a fight to the death. And a reason for this being such a popular theme is that scriptwriters and film producers can embrace it in multiple ways.

For example, the film could depict a threat to life on earth and then people battling back to save the planet, as we have seen many times before. Or, it could be a movie that involves a murderer who is on a rampage and the efforts taken to stop them in their tracks. But the best example is probably where superheroes are concerned, as they really bring the whole good versus evil thing to life.

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