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The Importance of Being Allergen-Aware



The worldwide prevalence of food allergies has been increasing for many years now. Everyone, regardless of age, is at risk for experiencing a wide range of symptoms and severity, from hives to life-threatening reactions. Studies show there is a lot of confusion about common food allergies, making it much harder for people to identify and avoid allergens.

Let’s take a little dive into all things allergies; why they are on the rise, why it’s crucial to be allergen-aware, and some snack ideas for event planning with allergies in mind. From sumptuously sweet wedding popcorn to a decadent fruit bar, there’s no reason allergy-aware food needs to be boring.

Allergies on the rise

As reported by the Food Allergy & Anaphylaxis Connection Team (FAACT), the number of Americans with food allergies has ‘doubled in each of the last decades,’ and experts are still trying to wrap their heads around it.

One theory places the blame on our increasing ‘clean-freak’ tendencies. The “hygiene hypothesis” suggests that we aren’t getting adequate exposure to bacteria and other pathogens in our early years thanks to our more thorough, modern hygiene practices. The theory suggests that due to this, our immune systems are becoming overactive, which in turn increases the likelihood of developing allergies –  perhaps we should be spending more time than usual playing in the mud.

According to a differing hypothesis, we may be becoming more sensitive to allergies due to environmental pollution and other toxin exposure; it’s as if our immune systems are becoming so overwhelmed by toxins and pollution that they start to panic and overreact to perfectly safe substances such as pollen and peanuts.

In addition, the introduction of novel foods and shifts in eating patterns may be to blame for the increase in allergic reactions. The prevalence of peanut allergies, for example, has been attributed by some to the spread of peanuts throughout the modern Western diet; it’s as though we’re expanding our gastronomic horizons while failing to modernize our immune systems.

Finally, it’s possible that your genes have something to do with whether or not you acquire allergies; if one or both of your parents typically sneeze at the sight of a flower, it’s quite likely you will do the same.

Why being allergen-aware matters

Allergies to foods can be life-threatening. They manifest when the body’s immune system responds to a certain protein in food as though it were toxic. When this happens, the body releases substances like histamine, which can cause symptoms of varying degrees. Some people experience such a severe reaction that they develop anaphylaxis, a potentially fatal condition that requires immediate emergency medical intervention.

Allergy testing and treatment

If you suspect that you might have an allergy, don’t wait to get tested. Many health insurance providers include some coverage for allergy testing and treatments, so go grab your health insurance card and get tested if you think you might be experiencing allergy symptoms. Early diagnosis and treatment are essential in managing allergies and preventing severe reactions.

It’s also vital that any severe allergy sufferers carry an epinephrine auto-injector at all times. These little devices can deliver a dose of epinephrine to help treat anaphylaxis – in some situations, having an EpiPen on hand can be the difference between life and death.

According to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America, food allergies affect approximately 32 million Americans. With this figure significant and rising, it’s essential to become aware of food allergies and take steps to avoid them. This is especially important when planning large events or parties with children; you want to ensure that everyone attending can enjoy the festivities without risking an allergic reaction.

The importance of planning for allergies

The eight most common food allergy culprits are peanuts, tree nuts, eggs, milk, wheat, soy, fish, and shellfish; that said, many people suffer with less common food allergies, too.

If you’re planning an event or party, it’s crucial to communicate (ideally in advance) with your guests about any allergies or dietary restrictions they may have. You can do this by including a section on the invitation’s RSVP for guests to specify their allergies or dietary needs. It’s also a good idea to cover all bases anyway, by providing a range of food choices that cater to different dietary needs, such as gluten-free, dairy-free, or vegan options.

Here are some tasty and allergy-free snack options that are sure to please your guests:

  • Popcorn: Whether you buy it from a clean-label store or make it at home, there are so many ideas for making delicious, allergy-friendly popcorn variations, such as caramel or spicy popcorn, using oils and seasonings like coconut oil, truffle salt, and nutritional yeast. Just check the labels of any pre-packaged toppings to make sure they’re safe.
  • Guacamole: Guacamole is a party classic, but it’s also vegan, gluten-free, and nut-free, making it an excellent option for anyone with dietary restrictions. Serve it up with some crunchy veggie sticks for a healthy, delicious snack that everyone can enjoy.
  • Quinoa: Quinoa is a versatile grain (although many say it is actually a seed) that can be used in a variety of dishes. Combine it with some fresh veggies, herbs, and spices for a flavorsome, healthy salad that’s gluten-free and vegan-friendly.
  • Fruit couture: A fruit salad bar with a decadent twist is a fantastic allergy-friendly option that’s sure to please. Some tips include dipping fruit in melted chocolate or caramel, adding edible gold leaf, grilling or roasting fruit, adding a variety of sauces and dips, mixing sweet and savory fruit together, and infusing fruit with herbs or marinating in wine or fruit juice.

Final Thoughts

Whether or not there is any reversing the prevalence of allergies remains to be seen, but until such time, the importance of becoming allergen-aware is growing ever more critical. Hopefully, researchers will find a breakthrough, but for now, thankfully we have plenty of delicious food options and medical assistance to deal with the issue at hand.

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