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Creating the Best Website for a Local Business



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Whether you are starting a business in your local area for the first time or you are thinking about revamping your website to make it more effective, you are in the right place. A website and online presence is vitally important for the visibility and success of your local brand, and a website is the best way to create a buzz. Use the strategies below to build a better website.

Key Takeaways: Local Business Website

  • A business website is an online hub for your brand that helios with local advertising
  • SEO is another crucial feature of local business success; learn all you can about SEO
  • Social media can be an alternative to a website, but it doesn’t have any integrations
  • Chatbots and other app integrations can make your small business more user-friendly
  • Use a combination of modern and traditional advertising to promote a local business

Importance of a Website

Having a small business website may not be quite as important as it once was. In the past, a website was the only way to have a presence on the internet, but these days, social media platforms are another option. Social media is free and very useful, but it isn’t always the answer.

Small local businesses can operate using social media platforms, but a dedicated business website is also recommended. At some point, your business will need a website, so it makes sense to start one early and building your brand. A website is also better for your online traffic.

Choose a Website Builder

The best way to build a small business website these days is to choose a website builder. In the past, business owners needed to invest in a website creator – someone who understood the technical side of website building – but these days, there is no coding needed to build a website.

There are several website builders to choose from, and the one you choose is often determined by your brand and short-term requirements. WordPress has a good reputation, plenty of integrations, and excellent customer service. Plus, it’s super-easy to learn how to use WordPress thanks to various online video tutorials on YouTube (you can click here to take a look at just one channel that offers these). Alternatively, Squarespace might be better for building a brand, as it offers features like a free logo maker.

What is Local SEO?

No matter what local business you operate, you are bound to have a handful of keywords that you want to rank for on search engines. When someone types the keyword into the search engines and includes your local area, you want your website and services to rank at the top.

The way to achieve this is to optimize your website using local SEO strategies. Start by listing your business on the Google My Business directory – a key metric for Google – then create high-quality, unique content that has a personal and local angle and includes the keywords.

Optimize a Local Website

Broadly speaking, there are three SEO strategies to consider when optimizing your website for SEO and making it more visible to local users. By paying attention to on-page SEO, off-page SEO and technical SEO, your small business website will be more visible and valuable to users.

On-Page SEO 

On-page, SEO is the practice of optimizing your web pages for the search engines. Your target customers will have search intent – they are looking for services like yours in the area – so try to think like them and integrate the keywords they would use. Remember, long-tail keywords work.

Off-Page SEO 

There’s a lot you can do to the web pages of your site to improve traffic and engagement, but the search engines also need to see some domain authority. To increase the visibility of the website, try to build backlinks from other quality websites in your domain and engagement.

Technical SEO 

When you have optimized the website for on-page and off-page SEO, it’s time to turn to the technical side of things. The search engines have a range of metrics they can use to determine the quality and accessibility of the website. These include image coding and user experience.

Website Integrations you Need

A basic website is find for a small local business. As long as you have your basic services listed on the website and a blog where you can create industry content and grow your customer base, you have enough. That said, there are some website tools and tricks that you can integrate too.

SEO Tools for Website

Now that you know what SEO is, hopefully, you understand the importance of using SEO intelligently for your small business website. There are a host of SEO tools at your disposal to help you find the best keywords for your business, write the best content, and track users.

For starters, you will need a keyword tool to help you find quality keywords. There are many available, including Google’s Keyword Planner, but also consider Semrush Keyword Magic tool. Semrush and Surfer SEO also provide helpful platforms for crafting effective SEO content.

Chatbot for Website

Chances are you have heard of chatbots by now. Chatbots are software applications that can be installed on your website and act as a point of contact for your customers. There is no need to hire anyone for customer services; a chatbot can direct your visitors to the best website location.

Maybe you have encountered a chatbot already? You might have used one the last time you tried to contact your bank with a query or when you book a hotel for a vacation – they are common and helpful nowadays. A chatbot for website will improve your customer experience.

Customer Relationship Management

Customer relationship management (CRM) is a tool used by businesses of all sizes to organize customer’s data and market to them more effectively. There are many CRM tools available such as, Hubspot, ActiveCampaign, Zoho, and lots more, for a brand’s individual needs.

A CRM system is built around customer’s emails. On your website, you should have a way to capture customer’s emails, a pop-up or some gated content. When you have their email in a CRM system, you can send newsletters and promote products relevant to their demographic.

Data and Analytics

We now live in a world of big data, a world in which data is a valuable commodity for businesses of all sizes, and for good reasons. A business that has more information about where its customers are located and how they interact with the business can enjoy better results overall.

No matter what size of business you operate, you can benefit from website analytics. Chances are, your website builder will include some analytics for you to learn from, but they are not always the most advanced options. Consider an integration on the site like Google Analytics.

Social Media Integration

As mentioned, social media is comparable to a website nowadays, thanks to its popularity and pricing model. Unlike a website, social media platforms are free to join, and you only need to pay for your advertising. That said, social media should also be coupled with a quality website.

Why have one when you can have both? Create high-quality SEO content for your website, and you can break it down for your social media feeds and share it directly from your online hub. Most website builders allow you to integrate your social media, but often at higher pricing tiers.

Promoting a Local Business

Promoting a local business is not like the old days; you don’t need to pay for an advert in the local newspaper, attend local events, and hand out business cards. Although these methods are still effective, digital advertising and SEO marketing strategies for small businesses are better.

Organic Content Marketing

There are two types of traffic you can bring to your website – organic and paid traffic. Organic traffic refers to the people who find your business using keywords in the search engines – your content has been matched. Organic content is excellent because it is promotion and low-cost.

Paid Digital Advertising

If you need faster results for your business, you should consider paid advertising instead of content marketing. Still create quality SEO content for your website, but focus on paid ads on the search engines and social media sites to drive more short-term traffic to your campaign.

Discounts and Rewards

Everybody loves a discount. Whether you are offering your discount through your website and social media or in the local area, it’s a great way to generate interest in your product and bring in your first clients. Consider discounted services for a short time or provide two-for-one offers.

Local Partnerships

Local partnerships are another excellent way to generate interest in your business and find new clients. When you partner with other service providers in your local area, you benefit from free cooperation and promotion. Online or offline, word-of-mouth is an excellent form of advertising.

Final Thoughts

How effective is your current website for your local business? Is it earning the monthly subscription you pay for it, or could you do more to generate interest in your business or brand? A website is a key ingredient for local business success, allowing you to work with the latest digital marketing technologies to grow your business in the local area and improve revenue.

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