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5 Practical Steps for Boosting Your Hormone Levels Naturally



Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

If you’re a man who is dealing with low levels of testosterone or other hormones your body needs to function at its best, you may be assuming the only way to get your hormone levels back up where they belong is by taking medication. However, that’s usually not the case at all. Very often, you can boost your hormone levels naturally by making a few lifestyle changes. To get yourself back to being the man you want to be, here are five practical steps to implement right away.

  • Improve Your Diet

Though you may be tempted to reach for that bag of chips or your favorite candy bar when you get hungry, doing so will likely mean your hormone levels will continue to stay too low. When you constantly rely on junk food as a big part of your diet, it leads to a variety of problems associated with low hormone levels, including:

  • Weight gain,
  • Blood sugar spikes,
  • Fatigue,
  • Irritability and depression,
  • Low sex drive,

To get yourself back on track, toss the chips and candy aside and instead eat a diet filled with fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein such as fish and chicken.

  • Enjoy the Great Outdoors

Should you be a guy who is always stuck inside an office day after day or prefers stretching out on your couch every chance you get, getting up and spending more time enjoying the great outdoors will be an easy and effective way to naturally boost your hormone levels. 

Studies have found that spending only 20 minutes outside several times per week can boost your testosterone levels by more than 100 percent. By choosing to spend part of your lunch break outside soaking up the sun and the important Vitamin D it provides, you can increase your testosterone, improve your sex drive, and increase your chances of having healthy cells and sperm.

  • Sleep Eight Hours

Even though you are busy with plenty of professional and personal responsibilities, it’s still crucial that you get eight hours of sleep each night in an effort to boost your hormone levels in a natural manner. A University of Chicago study found that men who stay up late at night and then get up early in the morning show significant drops in their testosterone levels. So while you may think being a night owl is not impacting your health, it’s a good bet that’s why your hormone levels are staying on the low end.

  • Rule Out Underlying Medical Problems

Along with using an at-home test for hormone levels that can give you a better idea of where your testosterone and other hormone levels may be at the moment, it’s also a smart idea to visit your doctor so that you can get a physical and rule out any underlying medical problems that may be dropping your hormone levels. Without realizing it, you may be suffering from such conditions as Type 2 diabetes or sleep apnea, both of which can play havoc with your hormone levels. By talking to your doctor, you can find out about various lifestyle changes you can implement to get you back in peak physical condition.

  • Reduce Your Stress Level

If there is one thing that can hit your hormones with a knockout punch and keep their levels low indefinitely, it is having too much stress in your life. When you are under chronic stress, your body releases too much cortisol, which ultimately results in you having lower testosterone levels. To deal with your stress, try such things as finding a hobby you love, meditating for 10-15 minutes in the mornings or evenings, or getting active and starting a regular exercise regimen consisting of a mix of strength training and cardio activities. As your stress subsides, your hormone levels will get the natural boost they need.

Bottom Line

Boosting your hormone levels naturally is much easier than you probably anticipated. You should make sure that you have an at home test for hormone levels to make sure that you are on the good track. Once you decide to limit the chips and candy you consume, start getting plenty of sleep each night, embrace an exercise routine, and have an honest talk with your doctor about your lifestyle and how it may be impacting your health, you’ll soon have plenty of testosterone and other essential hormones.

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