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SC Whitmore School’s Taylor Henry Named Breakthrough Scholar at Clemson University



Press Release

Columbia, SC – Taylor Henry (right), a senior at SC Whitmore School (SCWS), a statewide online public charter high school, has been named a member of the prominent Breakthrough Scholar Program at Clemson University.

“My selection as a Breakthrough Scholar means so much more to me than just financial support” said Taylor Henry. “While the scholarship is life changing, what I am truly gaining is a community. The staff and students involved in this program are the kind of people I dreamed of meeting in college. I am extremely grateful for this opportunity to pursue my passion for entomology with the support of like-minded peers that will challenge me and help me grow. There is nowhere else I would want to be, go tigers!”

Taylor was one of five students selected for this honor. As a Breakthrough Scholar Taylor has received a full scholarship to Clemson University totaling approximately $145,000. The full scholarship will include funding for tuition, housing, food, books, a laptop, and additional funds for personal expenses. Taylor will also be matched with professionals in science, engineering, and health as she dives into studies at Clemson. She will be introduced to the Breakthrough Scholars Program this summer in a five-week research program where she has been selected to work on a project titled: Development of Fluorescent and Luminescent Histomanos meleagridis for Drug Development Against a Turkey Protozoan Pathogen.

“We are so incredibly proud of Taylor,” said Amy Henry, mother of Taylor Henry. “Taylor has worked so hard and this scholar program is perfect because it allows Taylor to do lots of research. Obviously, the full ride to Clemson is incredible but the opportunities it comes with will change Taylor’s life!”

According to Clemson University, “The Breakthrough Scholars Program provides financial support and dedicated academic and professional development for a select and inclusive population of undergraduate STEM majors who intend to pursue advanced degrees.”

SC Whitmore School Principal, Eboné Adams said, “It gives me great pleasure to congratulate Taylor on her remarkable achievement of winning this major scholarship award. Taylor has consistently demonstrated exceptional intelligence and dedication to academic excellence which obviously has paid off in a big way. This scholarship is a testament to the value of hard work, perseverance, and intellectual curiosity. We are so proud of Taylor and we look forward to seeing the incredible things she will achieve as she continues on her academic journey.”

Taylor is thankful to the SC Whitmore School Community for allowing her to find her passion for studying spiders and other bugs while in high school. After graduating from Clemson Taylor plans to pursue a doctorate and become an entomologist.

SC Whitmore School Executive Director, Kim Dunbar said, “We could not be more proud of Taylor. SCWS was able to witness first hand Taylor’s incredible drive and intelligence and now the greater community at large can celebrate her successes and watch her continued educational journey. Taylor is so deserving of this honor and we can’t wait to watch her continue to study her passion and experience the advancements she will certainly bring to the field of entomology.”

Visit this website for more information about the Clemson Breakthrough Scholars Program.

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