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SCETV and the South Carolina Hospital Association Announce Partnership to engage South Carolinians in Healthcare Careers



Press Release

COLUMBIA, SC – The South Carolina Hospital Association (SCHA) and South Carolina ETV and Public Radio (SCETV) are pleased to announce a momentous partnership aimed at revolutionizing healthcare communication and education in the state. A signing ceremony to commemorate this landmark collaboration took place on June 20 at SCETV in Columbia.

This partnership establishes a strategic framework for the cooperation between SCHA and SCETV to support the creation of multi-platform content and instructional resources that highlight careers in healthcare. Both organizations are committed to bridging the gap between healthcare providers, patients and the wider community by leveraging their expertise and resources to foster a more informed and engaged population.

SCETV and SCHA are working together to establish a cohesive and compelling brand that will serve as the identity for the healthcare career-focused initiatives of the partnership. This brand will effectively promote healthcare careers, resonating with South Carolinians and encouraging them to explore opportunities within the healthcare industry.

As part of the collaboration, SCETV and SCHA will develop two immersive learning experiences hosted on the website. These interactive modules will provide in-depth and engaging insights into various healthcare careers, offering users an immersive and informative exploration of the industry. By utilizing multimedia elements such as videos, interactive quizzes, and real-life scenarios, these learning experiences aim to inspire and educate students interested in pursuing healthcare professions.

SCETV and SCHA recognize the importance of engaging directly with the community. To facilitate this, eye-catching pop-up banners will be designed to display at conferences, meetings and other engagement events within school systems. These visually appealing banners will showcase key information about the healthcare industry, sparking curiosity and promoting dialogue about healthcare careers.

To foster a deeper understanding of pertinent healthcare topics, SCETV and SCHA will produce a one-hour panel discussion to broadcast on SCETV’s statewide network. Esteemed experts from the healthcare field will come together to share their insights, experiences and perspectives, providing viewers with a comprehensive overview of the healthcare industry. This panel discussion will serve as an educational resource for South Carolinians, promoting awareness and sparking conversations about important healthcare issues.

SCETV and SCHA are dedicated to providing high-quality educational resources that align with state standards. Standard-aligned learning media will be developed, including digital content, lesson plans and educational materials. These resources will be designed to be accessible and engaging for educators, students and lifelong learners, further expanding the reach and impact of healthcare career initiatives across South Carolina.

The signing ceremony represents a significant milestone in the partnership between SCETV and SCHA, reflecting their shared commitment to enhancing healthcare communication and education across South Carolina. By collaborating on the creation of engaging content and instructional resources, the organizations aim to inspire individuals to pursue careers in healthcare while fostering a better-informed community.

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