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How To Manage Feelings of Uncertainty After A Serious Health Diagnosis



If you have just had a serious health diagnosis, you are likely to be feeling a wide range of different emotions.

Fear. Anger. Sadness. Anxiety.

You may also be experiencing uncertainty. Uncertainty about the future. Uncertainty about what to do next. Uncertainty about treatments. Even uncertainty about telling your loved ones.

This is completely normal and something that most people go through after a serious health diagnosis.

Fortunately, there are techniques that you can adopt to help manage these feelings and enable you to remain positive about the future.

Seek out the facts 

When someone is diagnosed with a serious health condition, their first thought is often to Google it. However, this is by far the worst thing that you can do. Not only is there a lot of incorrect information online, which can do more harm than good, but there is also a lot of scaremongering.

Instead, seek out the facts from your doctor or another healthcare professional or body, such as Moffitt Cancer Center, so you know exactly what you are dealing with and your options.

Surround yourself with support 

Do not try to cope with a serious health diagnosis alone, as this can be too much for even the most independent individual.

Instead, look to family and friends for support at this difficult time, both emotional and physical. For example, let a loved one drive you to doctor’s appointments, cook you nutritious meals, and take over your childcare.

You may be surprised at just how much people want to help at times like these, but you need to ask them!

Set realistic goals 

When you feel uncertain about the future, it can be hugely beneficial to set yourself goals. These don’t have to be big or long-term goals but just little things that will help you get through each day and week.

For example, you could set yourself a goal of going for a brisk walk once a day even if you have no energy or signing up for a support group if you struggle to share your feelings.

Focus on what you can do 

If you are feeling unwell or undergoing treatment that causes side effects, you may feel physically limited. However, rather than focus on what you can’t do, it is much better to think about what you can do.

If you can’t do some of the activities that you used to do, then why not try modifying them? For example, if you usually go for a half-hour run, try a 10-minute jog instead. Or if you usually lift heavy weights, drop to lighter ones and gradually build yourself back up again.


Getting a serious health diagnosis, especially if it came out of the blue, can have you questioning everything you know and feel.

Although it may seem impossible to try and stay positive, this is the best thing to do. Reach out to people who love you and let them help you in your time of need.

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