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Electric Nectar Collector vs. Dab Pen: What’s the Difference?



Dabbing is the act of putting a waxy extract of cannabis on a hot element and inhaling the resulting vapor. It’s quickly becoming the most popular way of consuming the world’s favorite herb because wax extracts offer unmatched potency and flavor. Dabbing, however, also has a few drawbacks. Most dab rigs aren’t very portable. Old-fashioned rigs don’t even operate on electrical power and require butane torches for heating. Even with a more modern electronic dab pen, dabbing can be very messy because the wax becomes runny and may leak out of the device’s airflow holes when it’s heated. Clearly, although dabbing is a very enjoyable way to consume cannabis, dabbing hardware has a lot of faults that need to be addressed.

The electric nectar collector is a new type of device for dabbing that corrects many of the problems with traditional dab pens and can provide a markedly better experience in almost every way. Here’s how a nectar collector differs from a traditional dab pen.

Electric Nectar Collectors Work Differently from Dab Pens

The first thing you need to understand about electric nectar collectors vs. dab pens is that the two types of devices work differently from one another. With a traditional dab pen or dab rig, the heating element faces the top of the device. To use a dab rig, you remove the wax from its container and put it on the device’s heating element. With an electric nectar collector, the heating element faces the bottom of the device. Instead of putting your material on the device’s heating element, you place the heating element directly into the material that you want to vape while inhaling through the mouthpiece at the top of the device. The different mode of operation is precisely what makes nectar collectors better than dab pens in so many ways.

These are the most important benefits that electric nectar collectors provide over traditional dab pens.

Electric Nectar Collectors Are More Portable

One of the biggest benefits of electric nectar collectors compared to dab pens is that they tend to be much smaller and more portable. A traditional glass dab rig consumes an entire tabletop, and even modern electronic dab rigs are often too large for easy transportation. An electric nectar collector, in comparison, is often no larger and no heavier than a battery-powered dry herb vaporizer. An electric nectar collector can fit in a padded case for easy traveling.

Electric Nectar Collectors Are More Durable

Another major drawback of traditional dab rigs is that they’re often made either mostly or entirely from glass. When a dab rig has a large purpose-made glass mouthpiece or water pipe, those components aren’t easy to replace if they break – and if you drop a glass dab rig on the floor, it’ll almost certainly break. When an electric nectar collector has a glass bubbler, it’s usually very small and nestled within the body of the device. If you drop an electric nectar collector on the floor, the bubbler will probably survive the impact – and if it doesn’t, it’s a small component that’s easily replaced.

Electric Nectar Collectors Are Less Messy

A traditional dab rig can provide an extremely potent vaping experience, but dab rigs can sometimes be messy because of how they work. Because using a dab rig necessitates removing the wax from a container and placing it on the device’s heating element, there’s a possibility that you might drop some of the wax along the way. Cannabis wax is some of the stickiest stuff in the world, so there’s a good chance that you won’t be able to recover all of it if you drop it. Since the wax liquifies when it’s heated, it’s also possible to lose it through a dab pen’s airflow holes if the device isn’t kept upright during the entire vaping session.

Because using an electric nectar collector means that you’re touching the device’s heating element directly to the material you’re vaping, nectar collectors are typically much less messy than dab pens. There’s no chance of dropping the material when trying to load your device because you don’t have to load the device at all.

Electric Nectar Collectors Are Less Wasteful

When you use a dab pen, you usually place the wax directly on a heating element in the center of a small chamber. The heating element is typically made from either a quartz rod or a coiled metal wire, and it’s usually raised slightly. The fact that the heating element is raised means that some of the wax may drop below it when it liquefies. You’ll lose that wax if you don’t reclaim it somehow, and it’s almost impossible to reclaim all of it. Since an electric nectar collector doesn’t have a chamber that you need to load, there’s nothing wasted and nothing to reclaim.

Electric Nectar Collectors Are Easier to Clean

Since nectar collectors don’t leak in the way that dab rigs often can, they’re much easier to clean. You’ll probably never encounter a major mess because you’re unlikely to ever get wax or oil on the device itself. In addition, the heating element on an electric nectar collector is usually detachable, which means that you can clean it by soaking it in rubbing alcohol.

Electric Nectar Collectors Work with Both Wax and Oil

One of the biggest benefits of electric nectar collectors is that they’re not intended only for wax as dab pens are. Like the other features of nectar collectors, this has to do with the fact that you touch the heating element directly to the material instead of loading a coil or chamber. You can’t use oil-based concentrates with a dab pen because the oil will simply run out of the airflow holes. With a nectar collector, on the other hand, the consistency of the concentrate doesn’t matter. It can be a hard solid that’s almost impossible to cut with a dab tool, or it can be a runny oil. A nectar collector works equally well either way.

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