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CSO Searching for Nation’s Top Young Musicians



61cb44979b7a26e9984bea810f31790bThe Charleston Symphony Orchestra (CSO) is once again looking for the nation’s best young musicians to compete and participate in the 3rd annual National Young Artist Competition (NYAC).  Participants will have a chance to win cash prizes and perform in a public concert.

Here’s more information, straight from CSO:

“The concerto competition for young classical musicians draws applicants from all over the United States to compete in one of four categories: brass/woodwind/marimba, string, piano, and voice. Last year, over 140 qualified applicants from 32 states submitted auditions via YouTube. While participants in the instrumental categories must be between the ages of 13 and 18, eligible vocalists must be between 18 to 25 in an effort to preserve developing voices.

Applications are now being accepted, and the deadline for submissions is January 3, 2016. Each applicant must choose from a list of preselected solo repertoire for his/her instrument, and videos must contain a piano or orchestral accompaniment. The 12 NYAC finalists will be announced on January 15, 2016, and the finalists will meet in Charleston to perform on April 12, 2016, for the semi-finals. Four grand prize finalists will then perform in a public concert with the Charleston Symphony Orchestra on April 14, 2016, at the newly renovated Martha & John M. Rivers Performance Hall.

First prize for each of the four categories is $1,000, and the grand prize winner receives $2,500. In addition, winners will be provided with tuition scholarships to the Brevard Music Center. Grand prize winners are often invited back to perform with the Orchestra at future concerts. This year, the 2015 NYAC Grand Prize Winner, violinist Danny Jin, will perform as a soloist at the CSO’s Young People’s Concerts, which provide Charleston-area students the opportunity to see the full orchestra perform at the Gaillard Center.

While the caliber of competitors and remarkable prizes put NYAC on par with other national music competitions, the local element distinguishes NYAC above any other opportunity. In addition to the public performance, NYAC finalists are hosted by Charleston families during the competition, allowing them to truly experience the artful city from a local perspective.

For more information on the National Young Artist Competition, visit To learn more about how the CSO plays an important role in the development and support of young musicians, please visit To explore ways of supporting the CSO’s educational and other core programs, visit, and to purchase tickets to Charleston Symphony Orchestra performances, visit or call 843-723-7528.”

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