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Charleston Music Hall to Host Documentary Film Screening & Panel Discussion about Ocean Plastic Pollution



On Sunday, April 29th, the Charleston Music Hall will host a screening of JUNK: An Ocean Voyage & Rise of Activism to Fight Plastic Pollution. Doors open at 6:00 pm with a 6:30 pm start time.

Dr. Marcus Eriksen, international plastic pollution expert, takes audiences of all ages on an adventure across the North Pacific Gyre in his 30 minute film, JUNK. This documentary captures his 88 days at sea as he voyaged from California to Hawaii on a raft made of a Cessna 310 Aircraft fuselage sitting atop 15,000 plastic bottles.

Following the 30 minute documentary, a panel of experts featuring Dr. Eriksen, Anna Cummins, and the filmmaker Chris Jones, will discuss the adventure, the making of the film, and the growing momentum in the plastic pollution movement.

In 2008, two sailors drifted across the N. Pacific on a vessel they called JUNK. The purpose of the 2600 mile voyage was to build public awareness and help create a movement to save our seas from plastic pollution. The raft followed the devastating path of trash from land to the deep sea and has returned with a message: the age of throw away plastic must end.  

Today, more than 5 trillion pieces of plastic can be found floating on the surface of the ocean. More than 700 species worldwide are affected by plastic pollution through ingestion and entanglement. Scientists estimate that by 2050 there could be more plastic in the ocean than fish (by weight). The JUNK journey explores what we can do to stop this burgeoning global crisis. Be a part of witnessing this eye-opening and inspiring ocean voyage.

The film is the first project of Leap Lab, a science center committed to creating a resilient new world focused on upstream work in order to create solutions to preventing environmental injustices like plastic pollution. Leap Lap seeks to educate and inspire cities, businesses and college campuses to be zero waste, by beginning with the courage to end the wasteful practices of the past and embrace the innovations of the circular economy model. Visit to find out more.

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