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Redux Presents: “Hello, My Name Is,” A Group Exhibition



By: Andrew King

Redux Contemporary Art Center is excited to present “Hello My Name Is,” a group show featuring the work of Charleston based artists, Anna Hopkins, Andrew King, Jonathan Rypkema, and Heather Thornton. The group show aims to “examine a collection of artists working in a similar artistic realm and to explore connectivity between bodies of artistic expression and to provide a selection of artists an opportunity to explore their practice in relation to their peers through a comprehensive gallery exhibition.”

“Hello, My Name Is” brings together four Charleston based emerging artists working in diverse techniques stemming from their undergraduate arts education at the College of Charleston. Each artist has developed their own artistic aesthetic in conversation, and reaction to, Charleston’s existing arts community and the greater contemporary art scene. This exhibition highlights the underrepresented conceptual, contemporary art that exists but, is not commonly shown in Charleston.

The show features:

Anna Hopkins received her BA from the College of Charleston in 2014 and continues to call Charleston her home. Hopkins’ current body of work explores textile art and environmental awareness via natural dyeing and quilting. Drawing on her previous experience as a wood sculptor and skateboard designer, Hopkins continues to create three-dimensional work with a heavy interest in the visual, physical, and emotional effects of color, shape, pattern, and texture. Her work has been featured at The Southern, The Vendue Inn, The Halsey Institute, and One Wes Victory.

Andrew King graduated with a BA in Studio Art, with a focus on Photography from the College of Charleston in 2015 and has been living in Charleston since. Observing contemporary culture and current events as inspiration, King uses a multi-disciplinary approach to further explore ideas and images we encounter in everyday life. His work has been featured in exhibitions at The Southern Gallery, The Jones Carter Gallery, and The Saul Alexander Gallery, King Dusko, and the Hill Gallery. He was the recipient of the Laura M. Bragg Memorial Award and a School of the Arts Scholar from the College of Charleston.

Jonathan Rypkema holds a BA in Studio Art from the College of Charleston where he has continued to work and practice since. Rypkema is multi-media artist whose work has evolved from a two-dimensional illustrative aesthetic to three-dimensional works constructed with wooden panels. His experience working in a frame shop has allowed him to explore and expand upon the manipulation of shapes through clean lines and minimal color palette. His work has been shown at The Halsey Institute, The Southern, King Dusko, and The Hill Gallery.

Heather Thornton completed her BA in Studio Art from The College of Charleston in 2016. Formally trained as an oil painter, Thornton began collaging in early 2017 using magazine pages she had been collecting for years. Her work reflects the strong feminine influence of her grandmother who fueled her creativity throughout her childhood. Her work has been exhibited at Art Fields, Charleston City Gallery (for Piccolo Spoletto), the Halsey Institute, The Southern, and Jail Break, among others.

Here are the details about the exhibit:

  • Exhibition Dates: January 25th – March 9th, 2019
  • Exhibition Hours: Tuesday – Friday, 10 am – 6 pm, and Saturday 12 – 5 pm and by appointment
  • Opening reception: Friday, January 25th 5 pm – 8 pm

Press Release

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