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Westside Restaurant Semilla Has Closed



Downtown Mexican restaurant Semilla last week announced on social media that they would be closing after business on Thursday, June 6th.

You can read the restaurant’s full announcement below:

“We started this journey in 2014. It has been an incredible and at times painful ride, but always memorable. Losing our first project on St. Philip St in 2016 and making the decision to pivot to a food truck is really only half the story. It has been a long road, one in which we’ve gained invaluable experience. We’ve learned a lot, about the business, about ourselves, about what’s working for us both professionally and personally, and most importantly what we want for the future. With this in mind, we have decided to close our brick + mortar on June 6th.

As the other arms of our business continue to grow at lightning speed and with our focus shifting toward two new business ventures this year, we simply don’t see the brick + mortar, in it’s current capacity, fitting into the goals we’ve outlined for our businesses future.

We are not selling the restaurant. In fact, we have some exciting things planned for the downtown space that better align with our business as a whole, so stay tuned for what’s to come in the late Fall and early Winter. We will continue to run Semilla Food Truck – it’s our baby, after all and the OG of this operation – and after a successful debut of our new concept (Street Bird, Westside), we are excited to see that new business grow. And in about a month, we’ll be announcing our next exciting project planned for 2019!

We’d like to thank all of our friends, family, neighbors and guests for continuing to support us. We couldn’t do any of this without you. Please come celebrate the future of our business and Semilla’s last week at 218 President St! And as always, stay tuned…we are just getting started”

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