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Bookaway Review: Should You Use This Travel Booking Platform?



Booking flights online is easier than ever. There’s no longer any need to use websites like Expedia and Skyscanner, as a simple Google search will give you all the information you need, as well as the best links to book through. However, the same is not true for ground and sea transport. If you want to travel within a country, or need to get from one island to another, Google is not going to cut it.

One of the most well-known ground and sea booking platforms is Bookaway. Bookaway aggregates all of the options for you, and allows you to book your travel through their website. But is it worth the hype?

Here is what we found out about the user-friendliness and accuracy of Bookaway.

Comprehensive Aggregator (especially in Southeast Asia)

When you search for a particular route through Bookaway, it will give you a comprehensive list of options. Not only does Bookaway provide various ways of getting to your destination (ferry, bus, train, private car) but it also shows you how to level up and get there in luxury. For example, while a tourist bus might be cheap, a luxury vehicle may be exactly what you need to relax between destinations.

Bookaway’s aggregator is pretty good in Europe and elsewhere, but is most comprehensive in Southeast Asia. Southeast Asia is one of the easiest regions to travel through, since it is relatively cheap and has a wide array of destinations. It is also quite far away, so if you’re making the journey, you may as well see as much as possible.

Using Bookaway, you can find all of your transport options between cities and countries, depending on exactly what you’re looking for and different price points.

When it comes to actually making the bookings, does Bookaway make the grade?

Easy Booking Process

The booking process itself is really simple. Once you’ve identified your ideal mode of transport, you can click through to the booking form and simply fill in your details. You then enter your payment details and a couple of clicks later, your transport is booked. It’s really simple.

The only issue some customers have with the booking process is that there is not yet a bookings manager on the website, but that is apparently in the works.

Customer Service

When it comes to transport, customer service is particularly important. It is all-too-common that unforeseen circumstances cause you to miss your trip. Alternatively, it is often necessary to change some of the details, and you may find you want to stay longer in one place than another.

This is where Bookaway truly excels. They offer 24/7 assistance, easy cancellation, and will provide alternative options for you when you are in a pinch. So, if you have missed a ferry or bus, for example, they will find the option that will least inconvenience you. Instead of being stuck, you will simply have to wait a little longer or take a different route.

Bookaway really impressed us, and it is good to know that there is such a comprehensive platform for ground and sea bookings. Flights should not be the only easily organized means of transport.

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