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Signs Your Third Eye Is Starting To See



Although it is now known as the pineal gland, for enthusiasts of the paranormal throughout the centuries, it has been known as the third eye. The third eye is a great manifestation of psychic powers and deep insight. You may have experienced times when you felt that you could sense that something was about to occur days before it actually happened. These instances can be overwhelming if you do not know how to make heads or tails of them. Yet, you can still gain more knowledge to enrich your spiritual journey towards clarity. If you believe that your third eye might be open, but you cannot be 100% sure, you should read the below list to guarantee that you are on the right track.


1. An Increasing Pressure in Your Head

This is the most common symptom of an open third eye; you will begin to feel a growing pressure between your eyebrows. This can be just a pulse or an intense sense of something expanding in the middle of your forehead. Spiritual experts at advise you against worrying about this, as it is completely benign and will fade away in due time. They also say that it may seemingly come out of nowhere, and that a feeling of warmth on your forehead as if someone were touching, it is fairly normal. So don’t freak out when it happens.

2. Foresight

You might experience instances of increased foresight of future events. It might just be a small tug in your stomach that alarms you that something is going to happen before it does. Do not overlook this feeling or intuition, and let it guide you forward. It might be scary at first, but the moment you realize that this power is completely controlled by you, you will have an easier time letting it show you the way.

3. Sensitivity to Light

As your third eye expands, you will find that you are more prone to light sensitivity. This is due to the fact that you are, literally, perceiving the world in a new light. You will also be able to perceive the different hues of colors in a more vivid fashion. Overall, everything related to vision and light will be heightened. You might find that polarized sunglasses help with this.

4. Gradual Changes

Because you are more in sync with your spiritual self, you will reap the benefits of your new view of the world. You will find that you are calmer, more forgiving, and loving. These changes can also impact your diet as you will steer away from processed foods to keep your third eye clear. You may not find a reason for these good changes, but rest assured that it is your intuition and spiritual powers that are guiding you to healthier life choices. Monitor these changes as they are a sure-fire way of verifying that your third eye is indeed expanding.

5. Manifestation of Powers

Contrary to popular belief, psychic powers manifesting in people who have an active third eye are not uncommon. Telepathy and clairvoyance are two of the most prominent examples of this. No matter how unfamiliar this can be to you, you must not fret. Embrace your powers and nurture them.

6. Seeing Beyond the Obvious

Although it can be a burden to know and see more than everyone does, your third eye will enable you to spot half-lies and shiny slogans. A restaurant that offers an all-you-can-eat assortment of food can be enticing to the normal individual, but for you, it will be akin to an invitation to consuming more than you need. This clarity of thought will let you make the right decisions.

7. Heightened Sense of the Self

This final sign is one that many do not even take notice of. An open third eye will increase your sense of inner self. So, instead of defining yourself as a mere person with interests, likes, and dislikes, you will instead think of yourself as a part of the fabric of the universe. This increased sense of self will enable you to rely more on yourself rather than anyone else and let you achieve the successful life you have always dreamed of having.

Experiencing the signs of an active third eye can be confusing and even downright scary if you do not know how to deal with them. Meditation and calming activities that let you have a deeper connection with your spiritual self will be your greatest asset. Regardless of the path, you will choose, always know that all of these manifestations are a blessing you should embrace, not hide.

Do you think your third eye is open? Take the Is My Third Eye Open Quiz.

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