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Charleston dance: swing + jazz + improvisation +…



Charleston dance has appeared during the 20s, and since then, it has become world-famous. However, many people still don’t know how to dance correctly. In this text, we will try to explain, cause it is not as easy as playing free adult games or browsing through porn sites.

The primary step is as follows: right foot step back, left foot shot back, left forward step to starting position, right foot shot forward, return to starting position. The arms also move back and forth beside the body, with the left hand moving forward when the right foot goes ahead, and vice versa. It is because of these hand movements as well as unique clothing that the Flappers got their name – flap means to flutter, fluttering.

At the time of the creation, Charleston was danced in a closed pose, in which the partners stood side by side. The partner holds his right hand under the partner’s shoulder and his right hand in the left hand. The partner’s left hand is on the partner’s shoulder or arm. The arms they hold are at shoulder height or higher. At 1-2, the partner stands with his left leg back without shifting weight, and the partner with his right forward. At 3-4, they return to their starting position by shifting weight. Then the partner goes right ahead, and the partner left back (5-6). The last two, 7-8, is a reset to allow the step to repeat. In the 1930s and 1940s, the Charleston duo became freer, and the position opened, with escorts facing both the audience, holding only one hand and touching their hips. Later, Charleston couples of the same sex begin to play as a couple, though more often two girls than two men.

Charleston solo involves a lot of improvisation that allows the dancer to express his or her abilities. It is also possible to dance it as a group dance. Then the primary step and the person who “calls” the steps are usually chosen. All dancers dance the step that person calls. If he doesn’t, a primary step is danced. Dancers are generally in a circle or split into two lines, looking at each other. It is also permissible for an individual to deviate from the pattern when wanting to display some combination of their movements.

With the years that followed, Charleston was developing, and today only the primary step and distinctive music define this dance. Over time, it received admixtures of other styles and survived stylization itself, so today’s Charleston contestants introduce gymnastic elements and other steps into this dance.

Charleston competitions exist today, among the most famous is the International Lindy Hop Championship. Dancers, as mentioned above, also use non-standard elements – moves, high spinning, as well as movements reminiscent of hip-hop or jazz styles. The dancers repeatedly alternate on stage, displaying their skills for a while, usually predetermined. Charleston also involves mimicry and is mostly concerned with communicating with the audience.

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