Last week, Home Team BBQ kicked off an ongoing series of free, weekly events at the restaurant’s West Ashley location, providing entertainment and culinary features Monday...
The “Harry Potter Film Concert Series” returns to the North Charleston Performing Arts Center on both Saturday, April 7th and Sunday, April 8th, 2018 with Harry...
Scarecrow Event Gallery located at 23 Ann Street in downtown Charleston is proud to present the British Print Invasion Exhibit, a contemporary art collection featuring 20th...
The Carolina Ice Palace will celebrate twenty years of being the Lowcountry’s only ice skating facility with an afternoon of special demonstrations and activities on November...
Creekside Kitchen and Brewhouse in West Ashley is hosting its second Creekside Comedy Night on November 10th at 10 pm with Tim Northern, Natasha Ferrier, and Shawna...
The next edition of Charleston Wedding Week (CWW) will be held from January 24 – 27, 2018 throughout historic downtown Charleston. This year’s schedule will feature...
The 2017 Ark of Taste Celebration, an annual event that recognizes distinguished ingredients facing extinction, has expanded to a full week and will include a variety...
If you think driving in Charleston traffic is hard, try doing it in a 40-foot bus. That’s what a quartet of local celebrities will do when...
Both MEX 1 Coastal Cantina locations – on St. Andrews Blvd in West Ashley and on Middle St. on Sullivan’s Island – will host free Dia...
For a place that has been dubbed the Holy City, there sure are a lot of sinister and ghoulish activities happening during the Halloween season. Check...