Zombie enthusiasts and fans of the most popular shows on television, The Walking Dead, will have the opportunity to meet their favorite stars at the upcoming...
The Gin Joint is partnering with Breakthru Beverage Whiskey Ambassador Zoe Zeigler for a Glenfiddich Single Malt Whiskey Dinner on Wednesday, October 25th. The event will include...
On both October 28th and 29th, zombie cheerleaders, skeleton football players, and vampire referees will creep into Bay Street Biergarten for the Football Fright Fest featuring deals...
On Wednesday, October 11th, Edmund’s Oast Brewing Co. and co-chefs Geoff Marquardt and Johnny Singleton will welcome Chef BJ Dennis to the kitchen for a one-night...
Politician, author, and mental health advocate Patrick Joseph Kennedy II will be speaking at the College of Charleston at 10 am on Oct. 11, 2017, about mental health care in the...
The Ralph H. Johnson VA Medical Center, in partnership with Palmetto Goodwill and Palmetto Warrior Connection, will hold its 18th Annual Stand Down Against Homelessness event on Friday,...
Charleston County Parks will once again host the Harvest Festival at the Johns Island Park. The 16th annual event will be held on Saturday, November 4th...
Edmund’s Oast Exchange and Certified Sommelier Sarah O’Kelley will offer a series of Saturday Somm Schools starting on October 14th. The events are ideal for those...
On Sunday, October 8th from 4 pm to 10 pm, local nonprofit LowcountryLOVEforVI will be hosting a donation party at the Pourhouse to wrap up their two-week,...
Ted’s Butcherblock will celebrate their 12th Birthday with a Block Party on Saturday, October 14th. The party will kick off at noon behind the shop at...