On Thursday, July 20th, the Association for the Blind & Visually Impaired’s (ABVI) Advancement Committee will host “Strikes for Sight” at The Alley beginning at 6...
“Disney On Ice presents Frozen,” a family-friendly show based on the number one animated feature film of all time, will puto n eight performances at the...
The Children’s Museum of the Lowcountry invites all adults (21+) to a “Night at the Brewseum: Christmas in July,” an after-hours event for those who are...
The 4th Annual Nash Bash will feature country musicians Joe Nichols, Jerrod Niemann, and Chase Bryant. The concert will be held at Joseph P. Riley, Jr....
YALLFest, Charleston’s young adult book festival, announced that bestselling author, actor, and comedy writer Jason Segel will be spotlighted along with his co-author Kirsten Miller at...
UPDATE: 7/5/17 – CCPL is now out of the 500 glasses they were distributing at the Main Branch. Theywill be distributing more glasses to those who...
Chef Jonathan Wu of New York City has this week brought his Chinese-American cuisine to Charleston for two events. Wu is the chef and owner of Fung...
The Bend, a 17-acre property on the banks of the Ashley River, will host their next Marsh Jam, an outdoor performance featuring local musicians, comedians, and...
Rock legends ZZ Top will headline the South Carolina State Fair’s 2017 musical lineup. They will perform on Wednesday, October 18th at 7 pm. Over the...
Independence Day is almost here and it’s crunch time for making plans. To help you out, here’s a list of the 2017 Charleston area Fourth of...