King Charles Inn, a boutique hotel in the historic district has announced a series of pop-up events featuring six local purveyors. The program will occur monthly between...
Nuit Belge, a traveling event series that celebrates Belgian beer and local cuisine, is returning to Charleston and Holy City Sinner has the hook up! Use...
On Saturday, March 4th, Ms. Rose’s Fine Food & Cocktails will host a Comedy Hour featuring headliner Brian T. Shirley and featured guest Lance Morrison. The evening will...
Celebrated Charleston chef Frank Lee will join Chef Reid Henninger at Edmund’s Oast for a special one-night only dinner service on Thursday, March 16th. Chef Henninger...
The 12th Annual Charleston Wine + Food festival began with a bang last night, but there’s no time to rest as the fun continues through the...
From 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm on Thursday, March 9th, M. Dumas & Sons will host a pre-Charleston Fashion Week cocktail party and styling event co-hosted...
The Faculty Lounge and Edmund’s Oast are partnering to host the “Let’s Go Crazy” Party on Saturday, March 4th at the former’s location on Huger Street....
Lowcountry Orphan Relief will hold their 3rd Annual Southern Garden Party at the Charleston Navy Yard Historic District Quarter C House on Saturday, April 29th. The...
On Thursday, March 2nd, Home Team BBQ’s downtown location will host the “Wings & Rose” Late Night Happy Hour featuring Wolffer Estate Vineyards. The party starts...
Nashville based stand-up comedian (and former Charleston resident) Dusty Slay has announced the release his sophomore comedy album, Son of a Ditch, and its companion tour....