Tides Folly Beach has brought back its Beach Movie Night series. Each film starts around sundown, so check the Holy City Sinner calendar or the Tides Facebook...
On Friday, May 20th, The Charleston Parks Conservancy once again invites residents “Out to Lunch” at Hampton Park. The event will run from 11:30 am to...
Piccolo Spoleto, a part of Spoleto Festival USA, will make its return to Nexton on June 4th at 5:30 pm. The free, family-friendly event will include:...
On Tuesday, May 24th, The Macintosh will host a Spring Pig Pickin’ with Chef Jeremiah Bacon. The event will be held on the courtyard patio between...
On Friday, May 20th, Charleston Wine + Food will welcome Veuve Clicquot to town during the champagne brand’s 21-city #ClicquotJourney National Spring Tour. To celebrate, the...
Update: This event has been posted. Stay tuned for details -Original Post Below- On Wednesday, May 18th, The Old Village Post House will host a five course...
Platinum-selling group, Sister Hazel, will host their 11th Hazelnut Hang at The Windjammer from Friday, June 10th to Sunday, June 12th. This year’s theme is “Dia...
Edmund’s Oast has announced that their popular Beer School series will return next week. The events will be held on the third Wednesday of each month...
This July, Brad and Jennifer Moranz, producers of the long-running “Charleston Christmas Special,” will bring their latest show to the Charleston Music Hall. “Let The Good...
After another successful “Backstreet Brunch” back in March, the Bay Street Biergarten is once again ready to transport back to the 1990’s. This Sunday, the restaurant...