Swig & Swine, Bendy Brewski Yoga, and High Wire Distilling are joining forces this Saturday to host “Bendy Boozy-Q Yoga,” a once-a-month summer series that combines...
Lowcountry AIDS Services (LAS) and the Roper St. Francis Ryan White Wellness Center (RWWC) are teaming up to raise awareness about HIV and AIDS in the...
The Charleston RiverDogs will hold their annual Youth Baseball Camp from Tuesday, June 28th through Thursday, June 30th at The Joe. The camp is for children...
The 5th annual Drive Away Childhood Cancer Golf Tournament will be held on Friday, September 23rd at the Patriots Point Links. The event benefits Chase After...
Registration is now open for the 17th annual Thrivent Financial Race for the ARK in Summerville. The race is scheduled for Saturday, August 27th and will begin...
Quintin Washington of Quintin’s Close-Ups recently spoke with former College of Charleston women’s basketball star Jacqueline Luna-Castro. You can see the interview below. After you watch that, be sure to...
Immediately following their 6:05 pm home game against the Columbia Fireflies this Saturday, the Charleston RiverDogs will allow fans to step into the batter’s box and...
The Charleston RiverDogs have scheduled their annual “Run Forrest Run” 5k for Saturday, May 21st. The race precedes the team’s game that night against the Columbia...
The annual “Bark for Your Brew,” a dog-friendly, craft beer tasting, is scheduled for 2 pm on Sunday, May 22nd at Joseph P. Riley, Jr. Park....
Downtown sports bar The Alley will host their annual Kentucky Derby Party on Saturday, May 7th from 5 pm until 9 pm. The event will feature:...