Downtown entertainment hub The Alley recently released a brand new weekly schedule that includes discounts, promotions, and more. The new lineup is as follows: Sundays Every...
On Halloween night, the Music Farm will host “the tantalizing and terrifying” Freak Show Exotica presented by Entropy Arts, DanceFX Charleston, and Music Farm Productions. The...
Quintin Washington of Quintin’s Close-Ups recently spoke with Mary and Paul Tinkler. You can see the joint entire interview below. After you watch that, be sure to...
TOP STORIES Thomas Ravenel accused in incident report of harassing former consultant Will Folks (Post & Courier). Read the report (Charleston City Paper). Woman injured in...
On Saturday, November 15th, comedian and former Daily Show correspondent Wyatt Cenac will return to the Holy City for a performance at Theatre 99. The show...
This Thursday at 5 pm, King Street hotspot O-Ku will host a special happy hour featuring sake tastings. The event was scheduled after the restaurant hosted...
On Friday, October 24th, the American College of the Building Arts will host their annual Red Party, a fundraising event featuring hors d’oeuvres and beverages from...
The Lowcountry Hoedown is brining the party back to the Charleston Visitors Bureau’s Bus Shed for the third straight year. The 2014 edition takes place on Saturday, November...
TOP STORIES Reward at $3000 for arrest of person who threw kitten off I-26 overpass (ABC News 4). Thomas Ravenel runs hard for Lindsey Graham’s senate...
Enjoy these photos from yesterday’s Hogs For The Cause event in Mount Pleasant. – Post by Holy City Sinner.