Jericho Advisors, a financial services firm located in Avondale, will launch a new exhibition featuring graphic art, graffiti, street sculpture and animation this Sunday at noon. The...
The Charleston Hurling Club is presenting the 2nd Annual Holy City Cup tomorrow at the Danny Jones Recreation Complex in North Charleston beginning at 10 am....
Cinebarre in Mount Pleasant is hosting two events tomorrow that should keep you entertained all day long. First, the venue will host the Music for the...
It’s the last weekend in April and it’s going to be a busy one – especially Saturday! Highlights this weekend include the Mid-Atlantic Regional Surfing Championships,...
Just a few Notes from Thursday.. Horse accident has some calling for horse/carriage ban in downtown Charleston (News 2). Police chase ends in apparent suicide for...
The team behind the Movers & Shakers Mix will host the Day La Soul party on May 3rd at 2 pm. The event will be held...
James Island beer garden Bohemian Bull is hosting an Ode To Its Lowcountry Neighbors this Saturday from 3 pm to 7 pm. The bar will debut...
Local rockers Atlas Road Crew will be back in the area when they perform at the Windjammer on Saturday, May 3rd at 9 pm. The band,...
Join the Charleston Battery at Blackbaud Stadium on Saturday, May 10th for their Kick For A Cure event. The benefit starts at 6 pm before the team’s...
The Food Film Festival, a multi-city event, has returned to Charleston and will start its three-day run tonight at 7 pm. Holy City Sinner will be there for...