The Pint Pedal, a “collaborative celebration of beer, bicycles, and the passage of the state’s first pint law” returns for its third installment on April 26th...
John Legend, who is playing at the North Charleston Performing Arts Center tonight, was spotted enjoying downtown Charleston over the last two days. Yesterday, Legend was...
The Crimson Screen Horror Film Festival, South Carolina’s “first and only” of its kind, will scare the bejeebus out of you this Saturday and Sunday at...
You can celebrate the beginning of the 2014 sea turtle nesting season on Saturday, May 3rd at the 4th Annual Folly Turtles Homecoming. The family-friendly event...
The Dead 27s surprised their fans today by releasing their debut album for purchase online. You can immediately download Chase Your Devils Down from iTunes or...
The poster below says it all, but if you like links, here’s one.
TOP STORIES Woman, daughters describe terror after Folly Beach man’s arrest in murder-for-hire plot (Post & Courier). Prosecutor: Alimony payments led to Folly man’s murder-for-hire plot (ABC News...
Folk rock supergroup Crosby, Stills & Nash (CSN) will play the North Charleston Performing Arts Center on Tuesday, August 12th at 8 pm. The group, which consists...
Kiawah Fine Jewelry will host a William Henry Trunk Show this Friday from noon to 8 pm at its store location in Freshfields Village. The show will...
Monster Music & Movies in West Ashley has announced their plans for their National Record Store Day celebration this Saturday. The store will have over 450...