Pet Helpers is the latest Holy City entity to secure a spot on a reality television show. As the Charleston City Paper first reported, the rescue...
The Food Network is looking for volunteers to be at the Citadel Mall this Thursday to attend the local filming of Food Court Wars. As previously mentioned,...
The reality TV industry has a stranglehold on the Holy City. It seems a new production pops up every week. Thankfully, the latest project won’t necessarily...
Filming for Bravo’s Southern Charm appears to be in full swing here in the Holy City as cast and crew from the upcoming reality show were...
File this under: “Take with a grain of salt…” The Digitel Charleston has posted an unsubstantiated rumor that TLC has been contacting Myrtle Beach security companies...
Recently, a trailer for Bravo’s upcoming reality show Southern Charm surfaced online, but its internet shelf-life was brief…at best. Luckily, I was able to jot down...
You stay classy, Myrtle Manor! Fame may be going to the heads’ of our dysfunctional friends to the north. Over the last three days, three separate cast members from...
Charleston is seriously becoming the hub of reality television. The latest example comes from NBC’s The Biggest Loser which will be in the Holy City on Saturday May 4th...
***UPDATE, 5/25/13***: According to one of the contestants chosen to participate, filming for the show will take place on June 6th at the Citadel Mall. — We...
The llegal Eater, a new television series from Canada’s Travel + Escape network will be filming in Charleston this week. The show will be hosted by Steven...