The Volvo Car Stadium on Saturday hosted An Evening With Dave Matthews and Tim Reynolds. Proceeds from the show benefitted Meeting Street Schools (MSS), a Charleston-based...
The Volvo Car Stadium today announced they will host An Evening With Dave Matthews and Tim Reynolds on Saturday, April 20th at 7:30 pm. Proceeds from...
With a career spanning more than three decades, 56-year-old guitarist, singer, and two-time Grammy nominee Tim Reynolds could be forgiven for taking it easy. As a...
Although the concert was indoors, attendees had to deal with plenty of rain on their way into the the Charleston Pour House last Thursday. You could...
***UPDATE, 2/7/13*** – Due to the heavy rain the Cane Creek String Band will not be playing on the deck. Fans can still see them at...
A little less than a year after their last Charleston performance, guitar master Tim Reynolds and his band TR3 are returning to the Holy City. Reynolds,...
Guitar virtuoso Tim Reynolds brought his band TR3 to the Windjammer this past Sunday night and the group led the crowd in a rock and roll...